SSL Handshake Failure in WebMon Netprobe - Geneos Version 7.1.1

Hi Team,

We are encountering an SSL handshake failure with the following error message in WebMon Netprobe Geneos Version 7.1.1 post upgrade from :

error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure

This issue does not occur in Geneos Version 4.13, where secure connections work without errors. Downgrading the TLS version to 1.1 and 1.2 in Version 7.1.1 did not resolve the problem, and secure communication continues to fail despite these adjustments.

Please share your insights on resolving this issue.


I am not immediate sure what this means, but things it could be related to are cipher selection or certificate handling, which will have changed since 4.x as the versions of OpenSSL, which is used, have been updated.

In this case I suggest contacting our Client Services team for more help:


Thanks for the heads-up, Peter.