The question I have is that I’ve created a rule in ITRS which checks whether a log file exists or not, however ITRS. How do make sure that ITRS, flags this as Green until such time the log file exists and has a genuine status to monitor.
Basically I only want ITRS to flag the status when my processes come up and create the appropriate log file.
If you want to ensure that the rule only applies when a specific process exists, then you need to use a Path Alias to check the number of instances of that process is not zero.
If you have not used relative paths, Path Aliases etc before then I suggest looking here, in the Gateway Reference, first for background: XPaths
Next, assuming the Processes plugin is next to the FKM on the same Managed Entity, in your rule create a relative path Path Alias, e.g.
process → ancestor::managedEntity/sampler[(param("PluginName")="PROCESSES")]/dataview/rows/row[@name="myProcessRow")]/cell[(@column="instanceCount")]
The above is from memory and WILL be incomplete.
and then in the rule block itself, assuming it’s on the “status” cell of the FKM summary row:
set $(processcount) path "process" value
if $(processcount) > 0 and value <> "OK" then
severity critical
severity ok
end if
You can also consider adding a delay to the rule body to ensure that there is an overlap between samplers so that if the file goes to error the process sampler has a chance to check if the process is now down.